Make an impact on Europe’s Silver Economy

[:it]La Commissione europea sta conducendo uno studio aperto su Europe’s Silver Economy e invita gli esperti a condividere idee sulla crescita economica in una società che invecchia.

La questione chiave: Which specific cases are “low-hanging fruits” where 1: innovation and public policy can help to address pressing needs of an ageing society and 2: where associated new jobs and economic growth can be generated in order to boost a European Silver Economy?

Make an Impact on Europe’s Silver Economy

Tutte le idee saranno condivise e discusse, tramite uno strumento semplice per la collaborazione on line. Il sito è aperto e lo rimarrà fino al 10 ottobre 2016. Dopo il primo step, il team di studio userà le idee per svliluppare dei casi da considerare come policy raccomendationss. Questo casi verranno ridiscussi con voi e ci sarà una validazione finale a novembre 2016.

Clicca il LINK per iniziare ad inserire la tua idea.

La registrazione è semplice a gratuita.[:en]The European Commission is conducting an open study on Europe’s Silver Economy and is inviting experts and the public to share ideas on how to grow the economy in an ageing society.

The key questions: Which specific cases are “low-hanging fruits” where 1: innovation and public policy can help to address pressing needs of an ageing society and 2: where associated new jobs and economic growth can be generated in order to boost a European Silver Economy?

Make an Impact on Europe’s Silver Economy

All ideas will be shared and discussed on discuto, an easy-to-use tool for online collaboration. The site is open now and will remain open for contribution until the 10 October 2016. After this first ideation step, the study team will use your ideas to develop cases to be considered for policy recommendations. These cases will be shared with you on discuto and we will ask for your final validation in November 2016.

Click here to go to the discussion.

Registration is a simple and free process. Please invite everybody you consider interested in this topic to help make this discussion as insightful and vibrant as possible. Simply share the link to the discussion:

Use this opportunity to help shape our future economy.[:]